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Как удалить полигоны в blender

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Deleting & Dissolving

Deletes selected vertices, edges, or faces. This operation can also be limited to:

Delete all vertices in current selection, removing any faces or edges they are connected to.

Deletes any edges in the current selection. Removes any faces that the edge shares with it.

Removes any faces in current selection.

Only Edges & Faces

Limits the operation to only selected edges and adjacent faces.

Removes faces, but edges within the face selection are retained.


Dissolve operations are also accessed from the delete menu. Dissolve will remove the geometry and fill in the surrounding geometry. Instead of removing the geometry, which may leave holes that you have to fill in again.

Removes selected geometry, but without creating holes, effectively turning the selection into a single n-gon. Dissolve works slightly different based on if you have edges, faces or vertices selected. You can add detail where you need it, or quickly remove it where you do not.

Dissolve Vertices

Mesh ‣ Delete ‣ Dissolve Vertices

Remove the vertex, merging all surrounding faces. In the case of two edges, merging them into a single edge.

When dissolving vertices into surrounding faces, you can often end up with very large, uneven n-gons. The face split option limits dissolve to only use the corners of the faces connected to the vertex.

Split off face corners instead of merging faces.



1) Original mesh. 2) Face Split: Off, Tear Boundaries: Off. 3) Face Split: On, Tear Boundaries: Off. 4) Face Split: On/Off, Tear Boundaries: On. 

Dissolve Edges

Mesh ‣ Delete ‣ Dissolve Edges

Removes edges sharing two faces (joining those faces).

The options are the same as for the Dissolve Vertices tool.

Dissolve Faces

Mesh ‣ Delete ‣ Dissolve Faces

Merges regions of faces that share edges into a single face.

This can be accessed quickly using the F key, see: Dissolve Existing Faces .

Dissolve (Context-Sensitive)

This is a convenient shortcut that dissolves based on the current selection mode (vertex, edge, face).

Limited Dissolve

Mesh ‣ Delete ‣ Limited Dissolve

This tool can simplify your mesh by dissolving vertices and edges separating flat regions.

Result of Limited Dissolve. 

Reduces detail on planar faces and linear edges with an adjustable angle threshold.

Always dissolve vertices that have two edge users at boundaries.

Prevent faces from joining when they don’t share certain properties (material for e.g.).

Collapse Edges & Faces

Mesh ‣ Delete ‣ Collapse Edges & Faces

X , Collapse Edges & Faces

Collapse each isolated edge and face region into single vertices, with support for face data such as UVs and vertex colors.

This is useful for taking a ring of edges and collapsing it, removing the face loop it ran through.

Selected edge ring. 

Edge ring collapsed. 

This can be useful as a general way to remove detail, it has some advantages over:

Doesn’t correct UVs, vertex colors, etc.

Often creates n-gons.

Edge Loops

Edit Mode (Vertex or Edge select modes)

Mesh ‣ Delete ‣ Edge Loops

X or Delete , Edge Loops

Edge Loop allows you to delete a selected edge loop if it is between two other edge loops. This will create one face loop where two previously existed.

The Edge Loop option is very different to the Edges option, even if you use it on edges that look like an edge loop. Deleting an edge loop merges the surrounding faces together to preserve the surface of the mesh. By deleting a chain of edges, the edges are removed, deleting the surrounding faces as well. This will leave holes in the mesh where the faces once were.


The selected edge loop on the UV Sphere has been deleted and the faces have been merged with the surrounding edges. If the edges had been deleted by choosing Edges from the Delete menu there would be an empty band of deleted faces all the way around the sphere instead.

Как удалить часть объекта в Blender?

Во-первых, перейдите в режим выбора лица. Выберите одну грань куба по умолчанию, нажмите клавишу удаленияи выберите «Лица». Как показано на скриншотах, выбранное лицо должно исчезнуть. Используйте CTRL + Z, чтобы отменить предыдущее удаление.

Как избавиться от ненужных краев в Blender?

Руководство с N-угольники

Чтобы удалить все ребра и вершины на грани и оставить только большой N-угольник. Выделите все грани на плоскости (например, все сверху); затем нажмите «Удалить» и выберите «Ограниченное растворение».

Почему я не могу ничего выбрать в блендере?

Распространенной причиной невозможности выбрать нужный объект является то, что вы уже находитесь в режиме редактирования другого объекта. Когда вы находитесь в режиме редактирования, вы можете манипулировать и изменять только геометрию и данные, принадлежащие объекту, который был выбран при входе в режим редактирования.

Как вы выбираете объект в режиме редактирования в блендере?

Выбор вещей в режиме редактирования работает так же, как выбор в любом другом месте:

Clean Up

These tools are to help cleanup degenerate geometry and fill in missing areas of a mesh.

Decimate Geometry

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Decimate Geometry

The Decimate Geometry tool allows you to reduce the vertex/face count of a mesh with minimal shape changes.

Ratio of triangles to reduce to.

Use the active vertex group as an influence.

Strength of the vertex group.

Inverts the vertex group.

Maintain symmetry on either the X, Y, or Z axis.

This tool works similar to the Decimate Modifier .

Fill Holes

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Fill Holes

This tool can take a large selection and detect the holes in the mesh, filling them in.

This is different from the face creation operator in three important respects:

Holes are detected, so there is no need to manually find and select the edges around the holes.

Holes can have a limit for the number of sides (so only quads or tris are filled in for example).

Mesh data is copied from surrounding geometry (UVs, Color Attributes, multi-res, all layers), since manually creating this data is very time-consuming.

Make Planar Faces

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Make Planar Faces

The Make Planar Faces iteratively flattens faces. This can happen with faces over three vertices and it is a common convention that faces should be kept planar.

Distance to move the vertices each iteration.

Number of times to repeat the operation.

Split Non-Planar Faces

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Split Non-Planar Faces

This tool avoids ambiguous areas of geometry by splitting non-flat faces when they are bent beyond a given limit.

Split Concave Faces

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Split Concave Faces

This tool can be used to convert any Concave Face to convex by splitting the concave into two or more convex faces.

Delete Loose

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Delete Loose

This tool removes disconnected vertices and edges (optionally faces).

Degenerate Dissolve

Mesh ‣ Clean up ‣ Degenerate Dissolve

This tool collapses / removes geometry which you typically will not want.

Edges with no length.

Faces with no areas (faces on a point or thin faces).

Face corners with no area.

Merge by Distance

Vertex ‣ Merge by Distance , Context Menu ‣ Merge by Distance

Merge by Distance is a useful tool to simplify a mesh by merging the selected vertices that are closer than a specified distance to each other. An alternative way to simplify a mesh is to use the Decimate Modifier .

Sets the distance threshold for merging vertices.

Allows vertices in the selection to be merged with unselected vertices. When disabled, selected vertices will only be merged with other selected ones.

© Copyright : This page is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 4.0 Int. License. Last updated on 02/15/2023.

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